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Global Eco Army, Navy & Air Force Events

Global Eco Army Solidarity & Shared Responsibility Against HIV/ AIDS
Where: Uganda, Africa
When: December 10, 2023

Global Eco Army Be an Angel Day Event & Tree Planting
Where: Uganda, Africa
When: September 25, 2023

Global Eco Navy Be An Angel Day Beach Clean-Up/ Konstantin’s Special Birthday Celebration!
Where: Egypt, Asia/ Africa
When: September 23, 2023

Global Eco Army Kid's Christmas Party & Tree Planting
Where: Burundi, Africa
When: December 7, 2023

Be An Angel Day Celebration & Tree Planting
Where: Burundi, Africa
When: September 22, 2023

Global Eco Army Earth Day
Plant a Tree Day in honor of a Loved One!
When: 4/22/2023 Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Venue: Central Bible Chapel 12024 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl 33556
Parking: 11210 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl
Purchase your ticket by clicking on the yellow donate button on the top of this page

Global Eco Army Valentine's Day
3rd Year Anniversary
When: 2/14/2022 Time: 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM
Venue: Synapse Summit at Amalie Arena 401 Channelside Drive, Tampa, FL 33602.
Parking: Solar Powered Meters

Global Eco Army Valentine's Day &
Plant a Tree Day in honor of
a Loved One!
When: 2/18/2023 Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Venue: Central Bible Chapel
12024 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl 33556
Parking: 11210 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl
Purchase your ticket by clicking on the yellow donate button on the top of this page.

Global Eco Army Veggie and Tree Planting Day to Feed the Homeless
When: 12/17/2022 Time: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Venue: Central Bible Chapel - 12024 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl 33556
Parking: 11210 Gunn Hwy Odessa, Fl

1st Global Eco Army, Navy, Air Force and Space Force Conference on Be an Angel Day POSTPONED TO 2023
When: 8/22/2023 Time: 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Venue: Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach- 100 Coronado Dr. Clearwater, FL 33767
For Tickets Click Here

Global Eco Navy Ziua Pământului
Când: 21/04/2022 Ora: 9:00 până la 13:00 _35-cf78cde905-cf758d_905-cf758d
Locație: Buddy Brew Coffee - Armature Works 1910 N Ola Ave # 8 Tampa, Florida 33602
Alicia Valdes w/Global Eco Navy Congratulated by Whit Remer Sustainability Officer by City of Tampa on Earth Day
Global Eco Navy Cleans Hillsborough River for Earth Day April 21, 2022- Global Eco Marines Departure

Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 1

Global Eco Navy & Freedom Boat Club of Tampa Bay Clean the Hillsborough River for Earth Day - Part 2
Global Eco Army Ziua Îndrăgostiților și a 2-a aniversare
Când: 2/14/2022 Ora: 3:00 AM până la 7:00 PM _35-cf78cde905-cf758d_905-cf78cde
Locul de desfășurare: Fresh Life & Co. 100 S. Ashley Dr. Suite 220 Tampa, Florida 33602